WHITE SKULL Vocalist Quits?

October 19, 2006

Vocalist Gus GabarrĂ² is rumored to have left long-running Italian metallers WHITE SKULL. However, this information has not yet been officially confirmed by the band.

WHITE SKULL is scheduled to release its new album, "The Ring of the Ancients", this week via Dragonheart Records. The follow-up to 2004's "The XIII Skull" was recorded at Remaster Studio in Vicenza and is said to be a concept album about Celtic history and culture.

"The Ring of the Ancients" (view artwork at this location) track listing:

01. Ninth Night
02. Guardians
03. Head Hunters
04. The Ring of the Ancients
05. Half Moon Path
06. From The Mist
07. Ogam (Mystic writings on the Stone)
08. After the Battle (...Bottle)
09. King with the Silver Hand
10. Valhalla
11. Marching to Alesia
12. Tuatha De Danaan
Bonus track:
13. Ninth Night (video clip)

"The Ring of the Ancients" is WHITE SKULL's first album for Dragonheart following the group's split with Frontiers Records.

Underground Symphony recently released a WHITE SKULL double CD containing the Spanish version of "The Dark Age", called "La Era Oscura", which was previously available only in South America, plus a collection of unreleased and rare material, recorded during 1995-2005.

(Thanks: Metallo Rovente)

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